Monday, April 24, 2017

Autobiography & Hero

My hobbies include drawing anything that comes to my mind, reading thrillers and mystery books that make the reader predict what is going to happen , I love listening to music when drawing, and basically anything that seems interesting to me.

My interests include reading manga (a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels.) 
and learning new stuff that I did not know about.I play basketball with my older siblings and help my sisters practice with her skills. I just love listening to old school hip-hop and rap! My interests also include Tupac Amaru Shakur !! Also known by his stage names 2Pac, Makaveli, and Pac, was a rapper, record producer, actor, and some even say a poet. As of 2007 Tupac has sold over 75 million records worldwide!!

Family Background:
Well, I have 1 older sister who is currently 14 years-old  she is attending school at the High school. She is in all the honors classes and played for the freshman team. I have another sister who is at the Primary school, She was in advanced math and is really smart for a 3rd grader. She is smart and funny and I love her.I have a little brother who is also attending school at the primary. He is the baby in the family, He has a hard time learning things and needs extra help. But he just loves legos and other things he can build stuff with. Also, I have a mother of course who is working for her tribe, San Juan Southern Paiute's, She is a awesome cook! I love her Apache bread. My dad is working in Salt Lake City as a construction worker.He visits us on every holiday and comes back for his days-off. I have a awesome family and I am great full that I have them.

Where I was born: 
I was born in the Tuba City Hospital at 5:47 in the morning. On August 8th in the year 2003. 

What High School and College/University I want to attend:
Well, I would like to attend Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio which has always been a dream for me. The High School I wan't to attend is the San Carlos Braves! My family has attended that high  school when they were younger. Once San Carlos won state in basket ball it was a proud moment for me and my family. Some of my older cousins were on the team. So being able to go to San Carlos Braves would be an honor an a wonderful privilege for me.

San Carlos won state!

Who is your hero/mentor? What is it about this person that makes them so special?

My Mentor would mostly be Tupac! Tupac Amaru Shakur was born on June 16, 1971. He died on September 13, 1996. The reason why I chose Tupac is because Tupac spoke and lived with passion and conviction. He was a legend back when he was alive, He died when he was only 25 years old. Tupac was special and always spoke the truth about society. Many people looked up to him, His songs spoke the truth. Tupac's lyrics made sense, He was always energetic in a way that made his music come alive, I love his music!